

Artwork Donations

Artwork Donation Guide

If you wish to donate artwork to Oolite Arts, please follow the guidelines below.

For more information about artwork donations please contact Cherese Crockett at 305-674-8278 or email [email protected] for any questions.

Below is a list of instructions to use when filling out the form:

  • Provide as much information as possible but at minimum the following: artist name, title, date, medium, dimensions, and provenance information (i.e., exhibition history and a verifiable history of ownership of the artwork).
  • For archaeological and ethnographic materials, you must be able to show that the artwork was imported into the United States prior to 1970, or provide copies of written documentation showing that it was legally exported out of its country of origin after that date.
  • Oolite Arts does not collect artworks that contain hazardous materials, that are unethical to collect, or that violate federal or international laws or treaties.
  • Provide digital images of artwork proposed for inclusion in the permanent collection (or a sample selection of artwork proposed for exhibition). Images may either be submitted as individual JPGs, a web site URL where the work can be viewed online, or a PDF of compiled images (please do not send original artwork).
  • Oolite Arts only accepts unrestricted gifts.
  • Once the artwork is received and the title has been transferred, the donation is irrevocable.
  • Oolite Arts neither accepts unsolicited loans for exhibition purposes, long-term loans for storage purposes, nor purchases artwork from private individuals
  • Send the above information via the form below.
  • All proposals must be received digitally. Any materials submitted by regular mail will not be returned.
  • Oolite Arts does not accept unsolicited, original artwork for consideration.
  • Every effort will be made to review submissions and respond in a timely manner.
  • We are unable to respond to submissions in which the work does not meet the stated criteria for collecting.
  • For potential year-end gifts please provide all information for consideration no later than November 15th.
  • Oolite Arts team members are not available for unsolicited appointments.
  • Oolite Arts does not provide the following services: identification, authentication, appraisal, conservation, art handling and/or installation, or pay for packing and shipping of art donations.

Artwork Donation Form

Please share all pertinent information about your artwork donation by completing this form.

Step 1 of 3

Contact Information

Please provide your contact information so we may reach out to you regarding your donation.