One Day Workshop
Sat, Sep. 30, 2023
2:30 – 5:30 p.m.
Liene Bosquê
All Levels
Taught in English and Spanish
(Materials Included, 20% off for members)
Oolite Arts
924 Lincoln Road, Miami Beach, FL 33139
On Website
Melissa Gabriel
[email protected]
This series of workshops investigate a wide range of textile processes, tools, and materials in relation to the contemporary discourse surrounding Fibers and Material Studies.
Each hands-on workshop will cover a different technique, such as Weaving, Needlepoint (Bargello), Macrame, and Block Print on Fabric, providing participants the opportunity to learn about specific qualities and behavior of a variety of materials along with encouraging participants to think creatively about everyday life, examine their work, design and contemporary art through critical thinking.
Emphasis is placed on material exploration as well as developing an awareness of the conceptual framework. The class structure is based on studio practice alongside lectures where participants will study the works of contemporary artists and observe the historical use of fibers in relation to the projects created in this class.
The weaving workshop is an introduction to learning the basic techniques on a handheld board loom. Pre-Columbian textile lecture will be presented to give historical context. Besides the weaving steps, participants will also learn about different yarns and their uses, finishing techniques (how to end weaving after it’s taken off the loom), and ideas for future creations. You will weave a wall hanging piece to take home with you!
Works will be assessed through group critiques and self evaluation.No experience necessary. Open to all levels. All materials are included in the fee.
Refund & Cancellation Policy: Attendees can request refunds up to 24 hours before their class start date. Classes must meet a minimum enrollment number to run.
Liene Bosquê is a visual artist and art educator based in Miami. Bosquê holds an MFA in Fiber and Material Studies from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, a BFA from São Paulo State University, and a BA in Architecture and Urbanism from Mackenzie University in Brazil.
Liene Bosquê has been Adjunct Professor teaching sculpture, 3D design and textiles’ studio classes at Florida International University, Miami International University of Art and Design and the Tyler School of Art at Temple University in Philadelphia. As a museum educator, she taught at the Queens Museum, São Paulo Bienal. Additionally, teaching with the PI Art Center in New York invited her to teach workshops in China and South Korea.
Parallel to Liene Bosquê’s commitment to being an educator, she has been consistently active in her own art practice. Her sculptures, textiles and site-specific projects, have been exhibited in museums and galleries in the United States, Brazil, Portugal and Italy.
Materials Included