Participating artists:
Jen Clay
Yanira Collado
Rose Marie Cromwell
Carolina Cueva
Mark Fleuridor
Felice Grodin
Love the Everglades Movement
T. Eliott Mansa
Reginald O’Neal
Edison Peñafiel
Ema Ri
Greko Sklavounos
Roscoè B. Thické
Curated by
Leilani Lynch
Lean-to is an exhibition by Oolite’s 2022 artists-in-residence whose manifold practices probe and reimagine systems of support, preservation and care. Inspired by the architectural form of a lean-to, a temporary, often improvised shelter, exhibiting artists offer opportunities for respite and space for reflection on supportive structures ranging from the spiritual, communal, and ancestral to the environmental and economical. Using varying media and personal entry points, many works examine how these structures manifest across time and space. While others embody the directionality of the exhibition title, Lean-to, operating within the realm of speculation, proposing how we might contend with the yet-to-come.
About the Curator
Leilani Lynch is Curator at The Bass, Miami Beach. She has organized recent solo exhibitions with Naama Tsabar, Mika Rottenberg, Karen Rifas, and Aaron Curry, in addition to co-organizing exhibitions with Abraham Cruzvillegas, Haegue Yang, Pascale Marthine Tayou, and Paola Pivi. Before joining The Bass’ curatorial team in 2015, she was Exhibitions Project Manager at Locust Projects, Miami. Lynch has participated on panels and lectures for STPI – Creative Workshop, Singapore, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, ArtTable, and ICOM, and served on juries for the Association of Art Museum Curators, Oolite Arts, FL, The Hopper Prize, and others. She holds a BA in Art History from University of California, Berkeley and an MAS in Curating from Zurich University of the Arts.
12—5 pm
12—5 pm
924 Lincoln Road,
2nd Floor
Miami Beach,
FL 33139