Micro Budget Film Screening
In collaboration with O Cinema
In collaboration with O Cinema
Join us for this free screening of the micro-budget feature film “Bad Lucky Goat,” which will be followed by a post-film discussion with director Samir Oliveros and renowned film critic Rene Rodriguez.
After accidentally killing a bearded goat with their father’s truck, two incompatible teenagers embark on a journey of reconciliation and comedic misadventure along Colombia’s breathtaking Caribbean coast. With no money, brother and sister Corn and Rita must find a way to get the damaged truck fixed in time to pick up the tourists that will be staying at their family’s hotel. While struggling to conceal the accident, the siblings visit a butcher, rastafari drum makers, a pawn shop and even a witch doctor over the course of an amazing 24-hour odyssey around Port Paradise.
Tickets will be available starting Aug. 31.
O Cinema,
South Beach
1130 Washington Ave,
Miami Beach