Balance Never Hurt Anybody: Brookhart Jonquil
Curated by
Amanda Sanfilippo Long
Balance Never Hurt Anybody
Look, a vision in a mirror doesn’t exist but in the mind, yet there it is. Balancing between worlds. Even so, a cement block is carried on waves of light, striking the eye as if solid. If you’re not careful you’ll topple right over.
About the Artist
Jonquil is a Miami-based sculptor born in 1984 in Santa Cruz, California. His sculptures explore essential human drama, and as our essential refuge from it. In the same way that a work of architecture shelters and becomes alive with the activity that fills it, these sculptures are perceptual environments that hold a continuous transformation of light and space. Reflections in mirrors create a world that extends into the immaterial. Subtler reflections in glass create infinities within infinities. To point at the endless, the works use abrupt truncation. While the viewer’s body does not enter these objects, their mind does, and like a Greek temple or a Gothic cathedral, the space within is organized to establish a conducive environment for the experience of truth.
Open at all times
Walgreens Windows
7340 Collins Ave
Miami Beach