Ultra Permanent The Album:
Ultra Permanent The Album:
Edny Jean Joseph
Ultra Permanent is a suite of collages on old notes found in Shakespearian time. The Album explore ideas of race, religion, and the basics of our society. These collages explore archaic cultures, and surreptitious systems in the. The Album presents fragments of obscure vintage photos, unified to convey various overt and covert messages.
Artist Bio:
My name is Edny Jean Joseph from Miami Florida and I’m a Multi-disciplined artist with a focus in paper assemblage. I’ve shown work and have participated in group shows since 2015. My participation in my high school’s art club led me to pursue education in the Arts briefly. I’ve grown to become hypercritical of the pieces I cut out of photos, Now I often consider the background more than the foreground on photos
Open at all times
Windows at Walgreens
6700 Collins Ave
Miami Beach